About The Author

Thomas A. Squire

Thomas A. Squire was born and raised in Wellington, New Zealand, where he met his wife, a Singaporean working in Wellington at the time. Upon following her back to Singapore, he immediately became fascinated with the history of his new home. The many conversations with his father-in-law, a retired army officer, about his life in Singapore sparked an idea in him: Why not write a book about it? That was the genesis of Always a Commando.
An aeroplane pilot and mathematician by training, a tech worker by trade, Thomas has lived in Singapore for more than twenty years.
Thomas can be contacted at thomasasquire@alwaysacommando.com
Author Thomas A Squire at desk

Other Works By The Author

This is Thomas’ first book, although he has dabbled in blogs. You can find his comprehensive comments of his experiences living in Hanoi, Vietnam from 2006 to 2009 here: www.eyeonhanoi.com